Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Milliarium aureum II - sequel

What financial system for the 21st century?

 Per Jacobsson lecture by Sir Andrew Crockett - 26 June 2011


 This is a sequel to: Milliarium aureum II

[Mrt: I have been searching more about the IRF history and events and then it somehow connected to PJF events which lead me back to bis and a search and here there is the required info doc about the meeting, enjoy!]


The lecture:

June 20, 2011What financial system for the 21st century?
Per Jacobsson lecture, Basel, June 26, 2011
Andrew Crockett

Let me conclude by coming back to Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa. Among many striking passages in his lecture is the following. “... Nothing excuses us, as responsible individuals, from the intellectual and moral duty of adopting a truly cosmopolitan perspective and from engaging in the thought experiment of devising the first best response…” The same sentiment should guide the effort to devise a new and stronger financial system. It should be global, it should be robust, it should be an effective servant of the real market economy. Being safe from disruption is a start, but it is not enough...."



Per Jacobsson lecture by Sir Andrew Crockett, 26 June 2011 Basel, Switzerland. (52 minutes)


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