Jacques Delors
Report on economic and monetary union in the European Community
Presented April , 17 , 1989
"This report has been prepared in response to the mandate of the European Council to study and propose concrete stages leading towards economic and monetary union' ."
At its meeting in Hanover on 27 and 28 June 1988 the European Council recalled that, 'in adopting the Single Act, the Member States of the Community confirmed the objective of progressive realization of economic and monetary union . The Heads of State or. Government therefore decided to examine at the European Council meeting in Madrid in June 1989 the means of achieving this union. To that end they decided to entrust to a Committee, chaired by Mr Jacques Delors, President of the European Commission, ' the task of studying and proposing concrete stages leading towards this union
In response to this request, the Committee has the honour to submit the attached Report. The ideas expressed and the proposals contained in the Report are put forward by the members of the Committee in their personal capacity. A collection of papers submitted to the Committee will be .published."
List of members of the Committee
Jacques Delors (Chairman)
Frans Andriessen
Miguel Boyer
Demitrius J. Chalikias
Carlo Azeglio Ciampi
Maurice F. Doyle
Willem F. Duisenberg
Jean Godeaux
Erik Hoffmeyer
Pierre Jaans
Alexandre Lamfalussy.
Jacques de Larosiere
Robert Leigh-Pemberton
Karl Otto Pohl
Mariano Rubio
Jose A.V. Tavares Moreira
Niels Thygesen
Gunter D. Baer
T ommaso Padoa -Schioppa
[Mrt: An interesting insight into the 1989 situation]
Source: http://aei.pitt.edu/1007/1/monetary_delors.pdf
or: http://aei.pitt.edu/1007/
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