Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Monetary Roots - GoldTrail - The Origins - 1973 - 1976 - The opening Game

A month ago, just as the Kissinger files were announced by wikileaks to be online, me and Jeff started to look into the issue. In a following month I have not only collected those relevant files about the development of the moenetary system in relation to oil and gold but also connected it to my previous reserach on USG docs available to the public. The 1973 - 1976 work I have done now is just a part of a bigger project THE TIME-LINE which is one of the first posts on this blog. The research on this one took me many hours and in total as I said about a month, the general systemic research on the development of the IMS in relation to the oil and gold as assets has passed the 3 years milestone.
No adverts, all free, available for all.



So if you appreciate this and want me to continue on this level or better (the potential is there, the time at present setting is not) you can also participate supporting me helping by allocating my time for this my project.

There are 2 approaches now:
A/ A paid web page with some part available for public
B/ A full out for all to see research results with donation option.

Based on results I will decide. Soon.

Thoughts? Advices, suggestions? Comments? Wishes?
you can also write me:   mortymer @ email . cz


Kind regards



  1. Selfishly, I would want it to be publicly available… so that it could be linked as a resource by all and the whole world could see the full extent of what you uncover. So on that basis I would advocate for Ads & donate.

    From your perspective, as someone who has invested 3 years in this effort (so far), the income from ads & donations probably doesn't look like it would be huge. But then again, how many people will pay to subscribe? And how many may visit your pages if they have free access and are receiving targeted links from their contacts? How many of those may click an ad, or make a donation? Nobody can know.

    Only you know what is best, for you! :-)

  2. I think your work is invaluable; I just don't know how many people will pay for it. It's your work, and your choice. Sorry I can't be of more help.

  3. Some great research on a very interesting topic. It's fair to expect people to pitch in. I guess you should go with what you're most comfortable with.

    Best of luck.

  4. I follow your invaluable work from Scandinavia.
    Would prefer the donation option..
