Prelude: here
1/ US Gov docs:
- 1963 January 16: 66. Memorandum From Secretary of the Treasury Dillon to President Kennedy
- 1967 December 16 - 59. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to All Posts
In March 1968, the central bank governors of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States agreed to establish a two-tier market for gold: that is, central bankers would continue to buy and sell gold among themselves at the official gold price but would no longer engage in transactions in the private gold market, thus allowing the private market price to fluctuate.
- 1968 March 14: 189. Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson
- 1968 March 17 - 145. Editorial Note
- 1969 March 14 - 191. Editorial Note
- 1969 March 14 - 189. Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson
- 1969-1972: (January-69?/undated) 111. Volcker Group Paper
- 1969 February 18: 115. Talking Paper Prepared in the Department of the Treasury
- 1971 May 9: 153. Paper Prepared in the Department of the Treasury
- 1971 December 31: 212. Editorial Note
- 1973 February 6 - 3. Conversation Among President Nixon, Secretary of the Treasury Shultz, and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors (Burns)
- 1973 March 28: 168. Memorandum From the President's Assistant for International Economic Affairs (Flanigan) to President Nixon
- 1973 August 7: 50. Memorandum From the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon
- 1973 October 28: 54. Memorandum From Secretary of the Treasury Shultz to President Nixon
- 1973 November 1 - 55. Memorandum From John Reynolds of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors Staff to the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors (Burns)
- 1973 November 13: 56. Editorial Note alias (Termination of Gold pool)
- 1973 November 26: 57. Memorandum From Secretary of the Treasury Shultz to President Nixon
- 1973 December 3: 201. Memorandum From the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon
- 1974 March 5: 60. Paper Prepared in the Department of the Treasury
- 1974 March 6 - 61. Note From the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Finance and Development (Weintraub) to the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs (Volcker)
- 1974 March 15 - 62. Paper Prepared in the Federal Reserve Board
- 1974 April 25 - 63. Minutes of Secretary of State Kissinger's Principals and Regionals Staff Meeting
- 1974 May 9 - 64. Memorandum From the Under Secretary of the Treasury (Bennett) to Secretary of the Treasury Simon
- 1974 June 4 - U.S. Position on Gold
- 1974 August 22: 73. Letter From Secretary of the Treasury Simon to the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors (Burns)
- 1974 September 3: 75. Letter From the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors (Burns) to Secretary of the Treasury Simon
- 1974 October 18: 221. Memorandum of Conversation
- 1974 November 13: 76. Letter From the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors (Burns) to Secretary of the Treasury Simo
- 1974 unknown:78. Memorandum From Secretary of the Treasury Simon to President Ford
- 1974 December 8: 265. Minutes of Secretary of State Kissinger's Staff Meeting
- 1974 December 9: 266. Memorandum of Conversation
- 1974 December 12: 164. Memorandum From the President's Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs (Scowcroft) to President Ford
- 1974 December 13 - 79. Memorandum From Henry Wallich
- 1974 December 15: 80. Memorandum of Conversation
- 1974 December 18 - 81. Memorandum From Edwin Truman of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors Staff to the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors (Burns
- Kissinger was in Europe and Martinique December 12–16.
- 1975 January 25: 224. Telegram From the Department of State to Selected Diplomatic Posts
- 1975 May 2 - 84. Memorandum From Henry Wallich, Member of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors, to the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors (Burns)
- 1975 May 19 - 85. Paper Prepared in the Department of the Treasury
- 1975 June 3: 86. Memorandum From the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors (Burns) to President Ford
- 1975 June 4 - 88. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs (Enders) to the President's Assistant for Economic Affairs (Seidman)
- 1975 June 6: 89. Letter From President Ford to West German Chancellor Schmidt
- 1975 June 10: 90. Memorandum From the President's Assistant for Economic Affairs (Seidman) to President Ford
- 1975 August 28 - 97. Memorandum From the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors (Burns) to President Ford
- 1975 August 28 - 98. Memorandum From Secretary of the Treasury Simon to President Ford
- 1975 August 29: 99. Memorandum From the Executive Secretary of the Economic Policy Board (Porter) to President Ford
- 1975 August 31: 101. Editorial Note
- 1975 October: 103. Editorial Note
- 1975 October 8: 104. Memorandum From the Counselor of the Department of State (Sonnenfeldt) to Secretary of State Kissinger
- 1975 October 12: 107. Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State
- 1975 October 14: 109. Telegram From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State
- 1975 October 20: 111. Message From President Ford to British Prime Minister Wilson
- 1975 November 15: 122. Memorandum of Conversation
- 1975 November 16: 124. Memorandum of Conversation
- 1975 December 5: 126. Notes on an International Monetary Group Meeting
- 1975 December 8: 127. Memorandum From Edwin Truman of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors Staff to the Chairman of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors (Burns)
- 1976 January 13: 128. Memorandum From Secretary of the Treasury Simon to President Ford
- 1976 January 15: 129. Briefing Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs (Enders) to Secretary of State Kissinger
- 1976 April 7: 136. Memorandum of Conversation
- 1976 May 26: 294. Memorandum of Conversation
- 1976 June 24: 146. Memorandum From the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs (Yeo) to President Ford
More search possible: here
Additional sources: here
Monetary papers: here
2/ Another source:
Foreign Relations, 1969-1976
Foreign Economic Policy 1969-1972; International Monetary Policy, 1969-1972
Link: Volume III.
Scarting old gov docs:
Adding 2 links: here and here
To get the whole picture see my other blog:
1976 Jan 15 #129 does not link. Message is "page not found". Could you
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