Speech by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB,
6 August 2005
As far as demanding circumstances and exceptional challenges are concerned, Wim had, like all of us, his fair share. Then his unique qualities worked wonders. I would like particularly to mention three examples:
Wim’s firm position in the 1980s and 90s, when there were dramatic
periods of increased tension and outright crisis and, notably, in 1992
and 1993.
The influence he exerted in the DELORS Committee, taking action at
all crucial moments to permit the effective delivery of what became the
blueprint for the single currency.
Equally, Wim’s influence at the European Monetary Institute under the
chairmanship of Alexandre Lamfalussy and as President, where the
crucial decisions to prepare effectively the single currency were wisely
taken, including the decision that the ECB should have all its accounts
in euro from the outset, which owed a lot to Wim.
Source: www.ecb.int/press/key/date/2005/html/sp050806.en.html
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